Vegan News for July/August 2024
This Facebook page has been set up for people who believe that rodeo events that involve cruelty to animals should be banned.
Almost as disturbing as Maui’s celebration of animal cruelty is how few people participate in the well-established annual protest. Just Say No to Rodeo, a peaceful demonstration against animal cruelty at the Makawao Rodeo, will be held Sunday, July 7, from 11 am to 1 pm. Oskie Rice Arena, Olinda Road, Makawao.
Sunday, August 11, 12 noon HST. The Vegan Society of Hawaii features a free, online presentation by Julianna Hever, the Plant-Based Dietician, “Optimizing Healthspan. Join the presentation here.
Saturday, Sep 7, 10 am to 2 pm, Lā ʻUlu 2024 (Breadfruit Day), Maui Nui Botanical Gardens, 150 Kanaloa Avenue, Kahului.
Ongoing: Moku Roots offers vegan farm-to-table meals at its beautiful upcountry location. Email for reservations or to be placed on the mailing list.
Renowned Plant-Based Physician Dr John McDougall Dies Aged 77
Study: Vegan diet has 30% climate impact of high-meat diets … Planet-first diet cuts risk of early death by nearly a third, study says
Air pollution is killing millions and rising exponentially—a shift in agriculture can solve it
Younger generations drive consumption of plant-based food, while baby boomers lag behind
More Black Americans are going vegan in part to combat heart disease
Your Excuses for Eating Meat are Predictable and Wrong, Study Finds
German Scientific Society DGE Revises Stance on Veganism
Plant-Based Food Is Finally Going Mainstream in France, Thanks to the Paris Olympics
Hunter-gatherer diets weren’t always heavy on meat: Morocco study reveals a plant-based diet
Woman Creates LA’s First Vegan Food Bank
Can Alzheimer’s Disease Be Reversed with a Plant-Based Diet?
Plant-based meat alternatives better for your heart than real meat, study finds
Are plant-based burgers really bad for your heart? Here’s what’s behind the scary headlines … Media Wildly Misrepresents Findings of UPF Study in The Lancet to Slander Plant-Based Foods … Ultra-processed panic – Debunking plant-based meat myths … Is Processed Food Healthier if It’s Vegan? … No, Fake Meat Wasn’t Found to Cause Heart Disease, as Some Headlines Suggest
The Elite Athletes Powered Entirely by Plants
Peek Inside ‘The Impactful Vegan,' Bodybuilder Robert Cheeke's New Book
"The Good Eater: A Vegan’s Search for the Future of Food”
Misinformation to Demonize Vegan Food Exposed in New Report
Fair Trade Chocolates That Are 100 Percent Vegan
The Best Cruelty-Free Vegan Body Washes
July 1838: The Alcott House School is opened in a London borough by James Pierrepont Greaves, a radical educator who had adopted the 'vegetable diet' in 1817.
July 1947: In a talk given at the 11th IVU World Vegetarian Congress, vegan pioneer Donald Watson explains that the vegan believes that if they were to be true emancipator of animals, they must renounce their traditional and conceited attitude that they had the right to use them to serve their needs.
July 1988: The British government bans the practice of feeding rendered cattle products back to cattle.
July 2001: The Food Revolution, Robbins’ follow-up to Diet for a New America, is published.
July 2020: Several television commercials debuted on NBC affiliate stations featuring Olympic medalists and members of the National Football League (NFL), Major League Baseball (MLB), and National Hockey League (NHL), who shared how giving up dairy brought improvements to their health and athletic performance.
August 1850: The last issue of the Vegetarian Advocate includes an article by Sylvester Graham, argues against using butter and cheese.
August 1944: Several members of the Vegetarian Society (United Kingdom) request a section of its newsletter be devoted to non-dairy vegetarianism. The request was turned down. Donald Watson, secretary of the Leicester branch, sets up a new quarterly newsletter in November 1944, The Vegan News.
August 2000: After two years of negotiations with PETA, McDonalds announces new standards to increase cage space for hens and phase out beak searing.
August 2008: The wedding of Ellen DeGeneres and Portia De Rossi is entirely vegan.
If you live on Maui or visit regularly, you may wish to visit three Facebook pages: Vegan on Maui, Maui Vegans and the companion page to this website, Maui Vegan Life.